Monday, 6 July 2009

Dirty baby on a dump

dyrty child on a dump

The dirty small girl on a dump; she cries. When I was small, I loved to play on a dump. I did not love to put on good clothes - good clothes always meant a discipline and limitations.

The dump is one of the best places for children.


  1. Oh my goodness.

  2. I think she's crying 'cause her leg's broken

  3. Again has found this photograph by on

    There is told:
    "A young girl cries out in pain after receiving a minor injury to her right hand at The Stung Meanchey Landfill in Phnom Penh, Cambodia"

  4. Somebody should care

  5. What for? It is life. The life should be diverse. A variety of the world is its abundance. Someone should suffer, differently world is poor and is boring. Those, who wishes to establish equality and to conquer "evil", is idiots!

  6. "Somebody should care", but only with a view of variety :)

  7. Shut up guys. You people don't have a clue about are you talking about.

    If you want to do something, do something clever!

  8. I think she broke her leg... poor girl

  9. Trifles. Wound will heal. Girl will get used and will be more cautious.

  10. How much cynic must have an photograper to take such a pic exept of helping

  11. Correct every body wants to runaway or want to enjoy while seeing people around u crying

  12. Come on rather leaving people behind jst like take couple minutes out fo your life n make them laugh again put an pic of them tats way life is rather than cribbing abt live we are the only one who is stopping ourself leaving in better way

  13. I wish the world had no poverty and everybody just lived peacefully with everybody else. But I know it can never be even close to that.But I still wish.

  14. C'est triste, et de voir des gens penser que "someone should suffer blabla it's life blabla" c'est encore plus triste car PERSONNE n'est obligé de souffrir & WE should care ! Comment peut-on ne pas se préoccuper et se justifier avec cette phrase aussi débile que celui qui l'utilise "c'est la vie" ? Si cette petite fille le pouvait, elle ne serait pas assise au milieu des poubelles, ce n'est évidement pas sa place.

  15. Those, who don't wishes to establish equality and to conquer "evil", are the real idiots! (l)
