Thursday, 30 July 2009

Poor children Ninetieth

poor children Ninetieth

Approximately, 1991. Poor children have a good time in the Moscow court. Interesting combination of a jacket and underpants. The child at centre is a boy. In that time the businessmen could be on negotiations in sports costumes, and "the well-off men" walked in shirts unbuttoned up to a stomach, with thick golden circuits on a neck. In that time there was a deficit of the goods and absence of money.
Similar: Rural children in the Fiftieth

Wednesday, 29 July 2009

True of the lazy

If the person is not constrained to suffer famine and cold, his poverty consists only in ideas about "standard of living" and "human dignity". As if, the low standard of living lowers dignity. The ideas, dominant in culture, are the reason of sufferings of the poor people. These ideas have purpose: to boost eagerness, to force to progress. The value of expensive pleasures (it is subjective!) is overestimated, free pleasures is underestimated (as "frivolous", "children's", "not suitable for the worthy person").. Culture it not the actuality - she may be any.

Struggle against poverty is only way to force the people to work. To the people, which worked a little, and were pleased with a low standard of living, have shown "how it is necessary to live ", have tempted by the promise of a high level of life, and have offered to more to work.

It does not justify efforts!

Poor bed

poor bed

The bed has deteriorated. It is necessary to sleep on a floor - There is no money for purchase a new bed. At one time, it was necessary to sleep on a floor, and it is necessary again - is impossible to sleep on such bed. Even if to stop up a hole with a cloth, there will be unevenness. And other places of a surface of a bed have dents.

Sunday, 26 July 2009

Barefoot at the underground

barefoot at the underground

The girl travels barefoot on city; goes barefoot by the underground.

Probably, it she; she at all does not use footwear, also propagandizes such style of life

Similar: Barefoot do cleaning and The poor girl with violoncello

Beautiful dirty girl

beautiful dirty girl

This is one of my favorite images. It reminds to me of quarre and ravine with dump, in which I in childhood played with other children.

See two selections of photos about themes famine, poverty, poor people, beggars, dirty children... : Aesthetics of poverty and Style of poverty

Saturday, 25 July 2009

Simple pleasures

simple pleasures

Simple pleasures of the poor people: when there is a meal, there is happiness. Reasoning about height and depth of pleasures occur from the moral, from a crafty Devil...

Thursday, 23 July 2009

Acrobatic figure

acrobatic figure

The photo was made in 1993 on a black-and-white film.

I have prompted these boys to do this acrobatic figure. The boy, which below, was very pleased with the success - before, he it did not do. Alas, the snapshot was unsuccessful.

Lacerated trousers

lacerated trousers

It is my girlfriend. The trousers have busted during trip to city... In the same kind she has returned to village.

The cases of breaking of a clothes and footwear are amusing adventures, though are conjugate with inconveniences.

Monday, 20 July 2009

The Russian roads, mud.

russian mud roads

The Russian roads; probably, Siberia. Mud up to knees; Lorries stick even.

Sunday, 19 July 2009

The pleased gipsy girl

The pleased gipsy girl

She does not have footwear, but have pleasures.

Money are necessary to buy pleasures, but pleasures can be received free of charge. The culture underestimates value of free-of-charge pleasures. The culture is a thing crafty...

Saturday, 18 July 2009

The rural girl from Fiftieth

The small rural girl; about 1950. On legs the girl - the trousers and felt boots with tubs. The petticoat (or dress) in a combination with trousers has surprised me. It is interesting combination :)

Friday, 17 July 2009

Village, field, girl

village, field, girl

Village, about 1970.

The crop from a field is already assembled; probably, it is August. The girl goes from the river, in which she bathed.

I am surprised with height of the antenna - I do not remember it. Probably, in that time the TV-signal was weak, or the inhabitants of this house had an amateur radio - there was such mode.

Thursday, 16 July 2009

The provincial child and ruin

It is typical provincial child, girl. And the typical landscape for many cities and settlements.

I do not love, when all is ideally well-kept. Once, I was in park, in which reigned the neglect: an overgrowth of bushes and weeds, the flooded paths from concrete plates, the tilted wooden poles... This decline seemed wonderful! The authorities should not destroy such charm...

Wednesday, 15 July 2009

Rural children in the Fiftieth

Rural children in the Fiftieth
poor rural children 50

Rural children in the Fiftieth. The clothes of the girls seem to more strange, than clothes of the boys; probably, it seemed to them amusing. On all girls are headscarves and almost identical boots. Their posture and grimaces seem silly. The information on other samples of conduct, access to which have provided city and TV, has cleared features of these children.

Tuesday, 14 July 2009

Romantic ruins

Beautiful ruins

Romantic ruins.... Charm of destroying and desolation...
I do not know where this beauty is disposed...

To the fighters against poverty.

Does not follow to struggle against poverty. The poverty is relative, and poverty is result of a choice. It is possible to struggle against famine and illnesses. The poor people can extract many pleasures from free things, and it is useful to speak about it. The importance of concrete source of pleasure is defined by culture. I think that you know it.

About food

Though I am poor, but I do not to eat a potatoes - in a potatoes not enough protein. Even in bread of a protein it is more! The best meal for poor - leguminous (string bean, peas), meat, milk (cheese, cottage cheese), bird.... For example, in dry peas is contained about 30 % of protein, in cheese - 24-30 %. Daily standard consumption of a protein - not less than 60 gramme (in conditions of absence of considerable exercise stresses).

I think, it is necessary to propagandize the use as nutrition of worms, insects, and other similar. See "Jessika Violet Eating Worms Shoot"

Monday, 13 July 2009

The homeless with a notebook

homeless with a notebook

The homeless with a notebook. About the homeless: many from them are not so poor. They have $2000 per one month and to leave from streets do not want. [From here]

The Girl with Sack

See The Girl with Sack.. Charm!

Poverty style, untidiness

poverty style

Two in one :)

Sunday, 12 July 2009

The rural girl on a bench

rural girl on a bench

The rural girl sits on a bench; the sixtieth years (1967). Simply and beautifully. The clothes are not daily - she has put on the best dress to make a photo. Absence of footwear is characteristic and daily for her. Later I shall try to show a modern (2009) photo of same woman.

Saturday, 11 July 2009

Beautiful slovenliness

Dirty, not combed, the slovenly child is naturally and beautifully. From children demand, that they always should be net and tidy, it results to a various limitations of behavior. Not all parents allow children even occasionally to be natural.

Friday, 10 July 2009

Child labour vs school

Child labour

The child do work. It is normal! Those who reasons about the poor children, which are constrained to work, has ignore one thing: the study (school) load children even more, and the child can not evade from it, and his parents can't help him. The study is the responsibility, which is imposed on the child. Nobody will answer a question: where sources of this responsibility? The duration of compulsory education grows. The politicians speak, as if it is done for the boon of children, but the boon is a thing subjective. Everything, that done against desire of the person, cannot be termed the boon. The universal boon does not exist. The boon exists only for the concrete person, and the boon is that this person in the present time considers as the boon for itself. If the child can not solve the problem independently, only parents are able to do it, but not the state and not the society.

Thursday, 9 July 2009

Nutrition for hungry

The grandmother of my girlfriend spoke, that once in childhood she has found and ate a living nestling.

My mother told, that, in childhood, she with other poor children in a field took out from ground and ate grains of corn.

My friends - children ninetieth - told, that, going for a walk in park, they ate a leavings of lunch, kept by other people on benches and stubs. It were the leavings of a pizza, pies, sandwiches etc. They were not poor - simply, they wanted to eat, and it seemed amusing.

Wednesday, 8 July 2009

Clothes made from sacks.

clothes from sacks.

Familiar has written a note, in which the poor rural schoolchildren have supported the offer to establish as the school form clothes from sacks and to forbid uses of footwear at school. I think it is good idea.

The dump feeds

dump feeds

For us it is a stinking dump, but for someone are native open spaces. The dumps are fields producing a crop. The dump feeds the people.

Tuesday, 7 July 2009

Source of sufferings

The people now suffer not from absence of convenience and famine, as it happens at poverty, but from numerous demands. And even poor people (with rare exception) suffer not from the poverty, but because their life does not correspond to the standards.

Monday, 6 July 2009

Poverty and pleasures

The primitive moralists demand to perceive poverty only as «the ugly social phenomenon», and refuse to see in it something beautiful. Here are confused different concepts. Beautiful can be teratism (see beauty of teratism), destroying, sufferings, death.... A certain communist has told: «the rich white uncle will go to Africa, will give to a beggar little money, and will have poor children». Almost so does the international humanitarian organizations (to sell the bad goods, to test medicines, to study the people, to clean money, to teach moral to the own citizens...), having in the basis of activity the communist ideas and methods. The communists spoke: "you are depressed, you suffer, and we shall release you. You do not know, in what there are your interests, but we know it, and we conduct you fortunately". Nobody has not noted to the important thing: pleasure is subjective thing, and now about it again overlook.

About struggle against poverty

While the beggars envy the prosperous people, the prosperous people are tormented from numerous "it is necessary"; they suffer by neuroses and depression. If the struggle against poverty is the training of beggars by it "it is necessary", more humanely to stop this struggle.

The compassion to a beggar - teaches beggars to suffer.

Dirty baby on a dump

dyrty child on a dump

The dirty small girl on a dump; she cries. When I was small, I loved to play on a dump. I did not love to put on good clothes - good clothes always meant a discipline and limitations.

The dump is one of the best places for children.

Sunday, 5 July 2009

Barefoot do cleaning

girl barefoot do cleaning

The poor girl barefoot does cleaning ladders and ladders platforms of a multi-storey house.

The poor girl with violoncello

poor girl with violoncello 

The poor barefooted girl with violoncello every day working - earns money.

The strange girls

The strange girls

The strange girls: have come in water in a dress, and stood approximately 30 minutes... 

I do not know, for the sake of what... Probably, it was interesting... :)

This blog

This blog about life, about poverty and about me
Including, about my beggarly life :)