Wednesday, 18 November 2009

Naked girl-monkey


The naked girl-monkey. Bad that without a banana. Approximately, 1998.
See "barefoot do cleaning".

Amusing naked beggars

amusing beggars

Amusing beggars, beg in a half-naked kind.

chinese naked beggar

Chinese naked beggar. It is necessary to offer a trifle to have pleasure to see this show and henceforth.

Sunday, 15 November 2009



Now on the yard... Snow...

Ruins and love

ruins and erotica

Beauty of destruction: the destroyed factory and love. The standard beauty has bothered, and causes disgust.

Saturday, 14 November 2009

The ladder to success

The ladder to success

Everything that is beyond physiological needs of the person is game. All values in this game are something invented and completely subjective. Therefore, they can be changed somehow. However, people of it do not notice, and think, that they are objective. As if, they are a reality that cannot be changed (like the laws of physics).