Friday, 25 December 2009

Cinese beggars

old jennet beggar

«Old jennet»
Chinese poor old woman with a cart.

chinese spiderman

Chinese beggar spiderman

Saturday, 19 December 2009

The abandoned wood house

abandoned wood house

The abandoned wood house in Russian village. Probably, the neighbors gradually fracture this house to take boards.

Saturday, 5 December 2009

Fried rat paw

fried rat paw

Fried rat paw. By kind, it is similar to a rabbit paw; probably, is similar by taste. Kind is appetizing... See more: sick-food

Fun in the metro

bare ass subway

A girl with a bare ass in the subway. See: "The drunk woman", "Barefoot at the underground"

Thursday, 3 December 2009

The tasty garbage

tasty garbage

Beggars are looking for something tasty in the garbage. The famine does not threaten - garbage enough for all! :)

The beautiful barefooted girl

beautiful barefooted girl
barefooted girl, original

One male has written the commentary to this photograph: "I in general would forbid to you footwear". This girl was very much surprised. He has explained: "The footwear spoils your fine kind" :)
See: barefooted girl on a bench, Barefoot at the underground, and other

Girl with rat

girl with rat

The girl with rat in mouth. See selection of a video on a theme "Girls eat alive"


doll statue

It looks monumental... It is one of my favorite photos. Such masterpiece can be done with your own hands.

Wednesday, 18 November 2009

Naked girl-monkey


The naked girl-monkey. Bad that without a banana. Approximately, 1998.
See "barefoot do cleaning".

Amusing naked beggars

amusing beggars

Amusing beggars, beg in a half-naked kind.

chinese naked beggar

Chinese naked beggar. It is necessary to offer a trifle to have pleasure to see this show and henceforth.

Sunday, 15 November 2009



Now on the yard... Snow...

Ruins and love

ruins and erotica

Beauty of destruction: the destroyed factory and love. The standard beauty has bothered, and causes disgust.

Saturday, 14 November 2009

The ladder to success

The ladder to success

Everything that is beyond physiological needs of the person is game. All values in this game are something invented and completely subjective. Therefore, they can be changed somehow. However, people of it do not notice, and think, that they are objective. As if, they are a reality that cannot be changed (like the laws of physics).

Sunday, 27 September 2009

The drunk woman

lady with dog

The drunken poor woman with a dog sleeps in the Moscow underground. Good rest.

The Chinese beggar

Chinese bound beggar

This is Chinese beggar. His legs coupled interestingly: the right leg bent by front, left – by behind (or is the opposite???). Probably, it is uneasy to sit all day in such posture.
See collection of similar photos - The cripple-beggars of India and China.

Thursday, 24 September 2009

In a temple

in a temple

The poor girl in a temple where repented heavy sins :)
Petticoat atop of trousers. Shawls and the petticoats issue in a temple - they are binding. Kind are ridiculous.

Night, summer, bridge

on the bridge

The poor girl sits on the bridge. Some consider that with a collar, leash, and muzzle, it would be better.

The schoolboy of the fiftieth

schoolboy of the fiftieth

The schoolboy and school form of the Fiftieth.
Military style.

Tuesday, 15 September 2009

The women-horses

women horses

The women pull a harrow. It is nice :)
See images "female labour

Thursday, 10 September 2009

The rural boys, Fiftieth

rural boys, 1957

The rural boys with football balls, 1957. Similar on a monument in the previous photo. There is a question: what is fundamental? The art reflects a reality, or the reality follows art?

Destroyed monument

destroyed monument

It is destroyed monument of period USSR. The sculpture should be kept in this kind.

One more idea: "without the boys is better" :)

Tuesday, 8 September 2009

The celebratory stubs

celebratory stubs

The desktop architecture. This ornament supersedes expensive antiquarian knick-knacks and bouquets of flowers :)

Poor girl on a bench

girl on a bench

The summer night, yard, dirty bench, poor girl...
See The rural girl on a bench and Photo

Gloomy city

gloomy city

Dirty deserted outskirts of a unknown of city. Look tag "Ruins"

Tuesday, 1 September 2009

The Moscow schoolchildren of the seventieth

schoolchildren, Moscow, 70-s

The Soviet schoolchildren of the seventieth (1971 - 1975). Appearance is typical for Moscow of the seventieth.

Monday, 31 August 2009

Feast at the sixtieth

feast at the sixtieth

The holiday at the sixtieth. At the eightieth, such feasts for many people have begun to seem by a burden: "it would not be desirable, but it is necessary". I hated them. At the ninetieth, many people have refused them.

Friday, 28 August 2009

Old rusty locomotive in a wood

rusty locomotive in a wood

Old rusty steam locomotive on the old railway in Siberia. See other big photos of this series in blog of the author, and see tag "Ruins"

Friday, 21 August 2009

Restaurant in Chernobyl

Restaurant in Chernobyl

Ruins of restaurant in Chernobyl. Probably, favorite place of rest of the deadmen.
See: ruins of school and other ruins.

Thursday, 20 August 2009

The baby eats scraps

baby eats scraps

The baby creeps by the ground and eats scraps. I think, in it there is nothing awful. We have too much a prejudice, create to themselves problems, and torture children. See "bathing in sewage", "beautiful slovenliness", and other...

Wednesday, 19 August 2009

Trip on a nudist beach

The photo with the barefooted girl at the underground has reminded to me a case...

Once (about 1993) I with the girlfriend went to a nudist beach in Moscow... I had a bottle of usual water, but water has quickly ended. There was a heat. On a beach, were on sale only drinks: vodka, beer... I have drunk beer, and thirst has amplified. When we came back, the girlfriend has decided to go back barefoot - all way, up to the house (it is other extremity of city): long - on foot, then - by a trolley bus, then - by the underground with change…. Traveling barefoot was be provided against by the rules of underground, but nobody has noted us. Recently, this interdiction has canceled. Girlfriend told that it was interestingly, that it was pleasant to her. However, I have decided henceforth to not go to this beach: this trip was too painful because of thirst and of too long way. On a beach it was boring; except for the barefooted girlfriend, something interesting was not.

The people of future

people of future

Collage "The people of future". It would be good! I like feminism and defacing of artificial sexual differences. This man constantly wears female clothes.

The simple girls

simple girls

The simple girls in simple clothes. Probably, the photo is made at beginning-middle of the Ninetieth. Their clothes are characteristic the then. After 2000 all was sharply changed. Up to 2000 - as if other era, "the forgotten past". Other sensations, other comprehension, other representations...

Tuesday, 18 August 2009

Rural children in a period of war

children in a period of war

Rural children in a period of war 1941 - 1945. They do not look, as hungry... The kind spoil the shawls - the children seem poor. See photo: children on occupied territory

Sunday, 16 August 2009

The world is big and rich

The world is big and rich... Probably, someone's children eat mice, which are brought by a cat, but we live in the ordinary, and we do not know about it. It is sad...

Friday, 14 August 2009

The lovely dirty child

charming child

The lovely dirty child with a corpse a bird.
See more.

Wednesday, 12 August 2009

Girl-satanist 90-s


Middle - end 90-s. I wore similar pentagram even on work (establishment).  The church had no influence; probably, now it is impossible.
See photo: girl-satanist and cat

Monday, 10 August 2009

Culture is a thing personal

I ask to not refer me to the one who defends national cultures from of alien influences, as these people are my opponents. I think that the culture is a thing personal. Not only nation, but also each person has the right to natural culture. The person has the right to have and to acquire cultural features, but the defence attorneys of identity attempt to prevent this. The person is not the property of the state, society, nation etc. It is impossible to produce moral estimations of different cultures, as estimation is given from of other culture; the universal standard and measure does not exist. It is impossible to speak: "culture of poor is low, their way of life is bad". It is their choice, their destiny.

Urban ruins

urban ruins

Russia, any city in Siberia.
Similar: Ruin: the deserted school, The provincial child and ruin, Romantic ruins

Struggle against poverty and socialism

I have read world mass media... They are similar to the Soviet newspapers 80-s. They drive in one ideology. In the important questions there is not a dissent, there is not any "subversion", there is not any unusual philosophy of life and ideology. There are many invoking to rallying and uniform values.

In the sum, it looks so:

«Let's we shall be moral, compassionate.... Look: the poor people! It is a pity them - they atrociously suffer! Let’s, help them! Let’s, we will shall shared with them! Let’s help all! It will be better for all! What for to have surpluses? It is a shame to have surpluses, when many of people live in poverty. Give money to the state, and the state will distribute! To the poor will give work, to all people give standards for everything, and will care about all citizens! The care from the state is necessary to many people! Look: the children from the bad parents very suffer! It is a pity them! It is necessary to help children! Let, the state will take care of them!»

And will begin the socialism, CPSU, totalitarianism etc.

I do not charge the poor people with laziness and silliness, but I am not going by him to help. It is their culture, it is their choice, and to drive in other is incorrectly. The enforcing unity of culture and style of life is violence and evil.

Similar: True of the lazy, To the fighters against poverty.

Sunday, 9 August 2009

Rural landscape

rural landscape

A typical rural landscape. The similar landscape can be found almost in each village: the same poles, roads, open spaces...

Saturday, 8 August 2009

Education is pure art, is crippling a soul


Waking up, I have heard children's cry from a court: "Aa-a! Mum-aaa, no! Aa-a!". It seemed that the mother does cuts on a body of the child by a garden-knife. Soon I have understood that she does not cut the body of child, but simply does cripple a soul - as it is customary. Education is similar to cultivation of nanous trees in pots by the Japaneses, bonsai - the soul too should be nanous and beautifully crippled... Education is design of soul. Education is weaving of cords and knitting of assemblies from a soul, is trimming and inoculation a soul - that soul was beautiful. No practical utility - only pure art, only aesthetics.

Seize multidimensional sense of this text :)

Bathing in sewage

The boy bathes in sewage and receives many pleasures. Hygiene deprives of children of many entertainments. Similar: dirty baby on a dump, beautiful slovenliness

Tuesday, 4 August 2009


This photo is made today. previous photo in the same place - about 1997. This photo is larger, but below... :)

Sunday, 2 August 2009

Ruin: the deserted school

ruin: deserted school

Inscription: "welcome to the world of knowledges"

Ruin and desolation: the deserted school
Probably, it is the school for ghosts of children, which have died from famine :)

Similar: The provincial child and ruin and Romantic ruins

Two rural girls

two rural girls

The rural girlfriends. Autumn or early spring of 1965.
It is a pity, that there is no photo in the more poor clothes :)

Thursday, 30 July 2009

Poor children Ninetieth

poor children Ninetieth

Approximately, 1991. Poor children have a good time in the Moscow court. Interesting combination of a jacket and underpants. The child at centre is a boy. In that time the businessmen could be on negotiations in sports costumes, and "the well-off men" walked in shirts unbuttoned up to a stomach, with thick golden circuits on a neck. In that time there was a deficit of the goods and absence of money.
Similar: Rural children in the Fiftieth

Wednesday, 29 July 2009

True of the lazy

If the person is not constrained to suffer famine and cold, his poverty consists only in ideas about "standard of living" and "human dignity". As if, the low standard of living lowers dignity. The ideas, dominant in culture, are the reason of sufferings of the poor people. These ideas have purpose: to boost eagerness, to force to progress. The value of expensive pleasures (it is subjective!) is overestimated, free pleasures is underestimated (as "frivolous", "children's", "not suitable for the worthy person").. Culture it not the actuality - she may be any.

Struggle against poverty is only way to force the people to work. To the people, which worked a little, and were pleased with a low standard of living, have shown "how it is necessary to live ", have tempted by the promise of a high level of life, and have offered to more to work.

It does not justify efforts!

Poor bed

poor bed

The bed has deteriorated. It is necessary to sleep on a floor - There is no money for purchase a new bed. At one time, it was necessary to sleep on a floor, and it is necessary again - is impossible to sleep on such bed. Even if to stop up a hole with a cloth, there will be unevenness. And other places of a surface of a bed have dents.

Sunday, 26 July 2009

Barefoot at the underground

barefoot at the underground

The girl travels barefoot on city; goes barefoot by the underground.

Probably, it she; she at all does not use footwear, also propagandizes such style of life

Similar: Barefoot do cleaning and The poor girl with violoncello

Beautiful dirty girl

beautiful dirty girl

This is one of my favorite images. It reminds to me of quarre and ravine with dump, in which I in childhood played with other children.

See two selections of photos about themes famine, poverty, poor people, beggars, dirty children... : Aesthetics of poverty and Style of poverty

Saturday, 25 July 2009

Simple pleasures

simple pleasures

Simple pleasures of the poor people: when there is a meal, there is happiness. Reasoning about height and depth of pleasures occur from the moral, from a crafty Devil...

Thursday, 23 July 2009

Acrobatic figure

acrobatic figure

The photo was made in 1993 on a black-and-white film.

I have prompted these boys to do this acrobatic figure. The boy, which below, was very pleased with the success - before, he it did not do. Alas, the snapshot was unsuccessful.

Lacerated trousers

lacerated trousers

It is my girlfriend. The trousers have busted during trip to city... In the same kind she has returned to village.

The cases of breaking of a clothes and footwear are amusing adventures, though are conjugate with inconveniences.